Labor Day Parade – Sept. 9, 2022

Labor Day Parade – Sept. 9, 2022

Friday evening, Sept. 9, 2022 5:00pm Come join Local 68 in our annual Labor Day march!Wear your union hat/shirt/jacket and show yourUnion Pride! The 31st Annual Celebration of Labor “A Labor Day Parade and Interfaith Observance” Sponsored by theEssex-West Hudson Labor Council, AFL-CIO Assembly: 5:00pmNewark City Hall920 Broad Street, Newark NJ 07102 Parking is available…

Membership Meeting Change

Membership Meeting Change

The January Membership Meeting has been changed! The next Regular Monthly Membership Meeting of Local 68 IUOE will be held on THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 2022, 6:30 pm, at the IBEW Local 269 UNION HALL, 670 WHITEHEAD ROAD, LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP, NJ 08648 Please note:  there will be NO MORNING MEETING at the Training Center in West…

Celebration of Labor 9/10/2021

Celebration of Labor 9/10/2021

Local 68 joined the Essex-West Hudson Labor Council on Sept. 10th in their 30th annual Celebration of Labor march. Co-Chairs: Lino Santiago (President of the Essex Cty Building Trades & IUOE Local 825 Business Representative) & Rose Marie Sudziarski (IUOE Local 68)Deputy Grand Marshal: Hon. Sean M. Spillar (Montclair Mayor & President NJEA)Grand Marshal: Governor…