On March 4th 2020, Local 68 brother John Donnelly was awarded the PSE&G Frank LaBianco Award, for his quick-thinking action on January 17th.
John has been a Local 68 Building Mechanic at PSE&G for 15 years, but this day was different. While making his rounds, John noticed a co-worker choking and in distress. Without hesitation, he sprang into action, performed the Heimlich maneuver and cleared the obstruction, thus saving her life. After he made sure she was all right and no longer needed any assistance, he went right back to his duties as if nothing had happened.
Today, John was honored by PSE&G with the Frank LaBianco award. This is an internal PSEG award recognizing individuals who strive for excellence by putting health and safety first before all other tasks. John’s selfless act exemplifies who he is, and we are all proud of our union brother. Thank you John, and keep up the great work!